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A Mother’s song exhibition

  • When
    17.03.2023 – 09.06.2023
  • Artist
    Maria Mäki

Maria Mäki’s exhibition A Mother’s song

Travelling and talking about Viena Karelia is not enough to silent nostalgic waves. Abandoned villages are living in memory,  traditional costumes are glimpsed at the village festivals, grey-plank houses are one by one replaced with new-style houses.

Smithereens of grandmothers heritage are passing onto grandchildren who’re visiting grandmoms village from cities for vacation. Within hundred years only one thing remained the same. Unstable times have made women into supporting pillars, no matter how strong wind from Kremlin hits the ridge of Vuokkiniemi – it stays still.

Photographer Maria Mäki visited Viena Karelia for the first time in 2017. During the next several years she visited the village many times and even captured her own chapter with pictures of Viena Karelia. In the Mother’s song exhibit the past, the present and future are interwind.

Along with the pictures on the exhibit is soundscape from Viena Karelia and also video recorded by woman from Voknavolok.

Exhibition’s opening 17.3.2023 at 18:00.


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